Stock Research and Portfolio Tools

Here’s a list of Stock Research and Portfolio Tools / Websites I personally use for Research and Portfolio Construction.


  • Analyzing Stock Tools

    • Tikr

    • Koyfin

    • Fastgraphs

  • Finding Investment Ideas

    • Value Investors Club

    • Dataroma

    • Seeking Alpha

  • Keeping Track of Markets

    • Finviz

*You get 20% off your Tikr and Koyfin Subscriptions using the Links on this site. Those are affiliate links, so I also benefit when you use them.

Analyzing Stocks:

Tikr is a high-quality Investing Terminal perfect for researching companies and filtering for new investment ideas.

You can find all the information that you need on a company:

  • A Company Overview

  • The Most Recent News

  • Detailed Financial Data

  • Transcripts of All Calls

  • Public Filings

  • Overview of the Ownership of a Company

One of my favorite features is the “Track Investing Gurus” Feature, where you can track the portfolios of the world’s best investors.

You can see what they currently hold, what they sold, what they bought, and what weight a position has in the portfolio.


  • Very User Friendly

  • Unique Tools like the Track Investing Gurus Feature

  • Ability to set up your own Newsfeed on specific topics (e.g. Mergers, IPOs, Dividends, Management Changes, etc.)

  • Sole Focus on Stock Investing


  • The Market Overview could offer more information

Tikr’s Track Investing Guru Feature

Koyfin is another Stock Research Terminal that is closer to professional terminals like Bloomberg or FactSet.

It’ll take more time to settle in than Tikr, but it offers some features advanced investors will appreciate that other terminals don’t provide.

Unique Features include:

  • Advanced Security Search (Search for Asset Category, Trading Currency, or Trading Exchange)

  • Advanced Transcript Search

  • A Worldwide Economic Calendar


  • Global Coverage of Equities, Analyst Estimates and Financials

  • Lots of Charting Features

  • Professional Terminal

  • Detailed Information on Multiple Asset Classes

Koyfin Terminal


FastGraphs is a unique service that offers fantastic charting options for individual companies that make it very easy to analyze a company’s financials and valuations.

Finding Investment Ideas:

The Value Investors Club

If you are looking for new investment ideas or want to learn more about valuation, this is the right place.

Lots of talented investors showcase their investment ideas.


Find out about the newest changes to the portfolios of Superinvestors. Every quarter, Investors have to report their portfolios of U.S. holdings.

Dataroma tracks the portfolios of Superinvestors so you can check what they own, what they bought, and what they sold.

(I use Tikr for this now, but if you don’t, this is an alternative)

Seeking Alpha

On Seeking Alpha, investors can publish write-ups on companies. It’s another great tool to do some research and learn about stocks that you are interested in.

Keeping Track of Markets:


I like to use Finviz to get a quick overview of the markets and indices using their Index Maps.

*The links to Koyfin and Tikr are affiliate links which means that I get a provsion if you sign up through these links. There are no additional costs for you, of course. For Koyfin, there’s even a 20% discount if you sign up via this link!