Big Changes Ahead!
I've decided to make a big change to the All-in-One Investing Newsletter! Here's what will change:
Dear fellow Investors!
I've put some thought into my All-in-One Investing Newsletter and would like to share the results with you today.
I think the changes I explain now will make it 10 times more valuable to you than it is today!
In recent weeks, I have repeatedly realized that I can’t devote as much time to my research as I want to. I focus more on publishing on time than doing the best possible research. But I never want to sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity or hitting certain dates to publish.
The All-in-One Investing Newsletter is my favorite Project, but currently, I can’t finance spending as much time as I do.
So, I have to make some changes. I do not want to research less. In fact, I want to do a lot more research. More time researching companies/investments means more ideas, better-quality write-ups, and hopefully even better performance.
Research is the most valuable content for the reader and myself! It doesn’t matter if you just want to get investment ideas or if you want to learn about researching and investing yourself. There’s nothing better than reading and understanding the process of valuing a company.
To spend more time on valuation and investing, I’ve decided to turn this Newsletter into a Pure Investment Platform. That means I’ll share and publish all my Research, Portfolio, and investing strategy.
This Newsletter will become much closer to the version that current paid subscribers are getting. However, with higher-quality research due to more time for research only,
The content of the Free Sunday Investing Articles will continue on my Twitter and LinkedIn. The Investing Resources and the Bookshelf remain open to Free subscribers. However, all new posts here will now be 100% related to Investments and Research and open to paid subscribers.
Since research work is much more time-consuming (but, as said, also much more valuable), I’ll adjust the prices to a rate that I think is fair. It’s still below the average price of comparable Research Platforms I know, but it would give me the opportunity to work less besides this project, which should also increase the quality.
For the next week, everyone who subscribes can do this at today’s prices, and they will never increase a dime! (All current Paid Subs pay the same as before, too, obviously) After that, I’ll adjust the prices with the amount of research I publish until the price is $389/year, where it’ll remain.
Here’s why I think the price is fair, considering the Value provided:
With a sole focus on research and investment ideas, I’ll bring you between 12 and 20 investment ideas per year (a more detailed schedule will follow) that meet my investment goal of 15%-20% annual returns.
Assumptions: Let’s assume the lower end, a 15% CAGR. If you have invested $10,000 now and add $500 to your portfolio monthly (I think those are realistic assumptions, but even with much less invested, the point holds), your portfolio will turn into $162,277 in ten years. Assuming an average market return of 7%, the market would turn your capital into $102,570.
That’s a difference of ~$60,000. Of course, the more you invest, the higher the difference will become. If we subtract $389 per year for the entire timeframe, it goes from $59,707 to $55,727. I think, it would still be worth it.
If you subscribe today, at $149, the $59,707 turn into $58,217.
(Of course, I can’t guarantee any returns; this is an example of the impact an above-market return can give you. Those returns are my investment goal. I invest all my money into the investments I showcase and my portfolio, as I’m confident in the companies I own and my investing strategy. I cannot guarantee it works, but I can guarantee that I have 100% skin in the game)
I’ll publish a detailed Posting Schedule in the next couple of days. I’d also appreciate your input, such as what you want to read, investment ideas, ideas for the platform, etc. I appreciate every comment!
If you think this is right for you, today’s the best time to join!
I hope you are as excited as I am and understand and welcome the changes.